What is Geophysical Survey?

​Geophysical techniques work through applying one of several types of force to the ground, to measure the resulting energy with use of geophysical equipment and infer the geology from this. Geophysics is generally much quicker than the aforementioned methods, however, requires more data processing (office-based work) to develop the geological picture. Our staff has designed, collected and interpreted geophysical data for many applications using a variety of methods.

  • Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
  • Surface Wave Seismic
  • Seismic Reflection
  • Seismic Refraction
  • Parallel Seismic
  • Gravity / Micro-gravity
  • Electro-magnetics (E/M)
  • Magnetics
  • Electrical Conductivity & Resistivity
  • Natural Gamma Logging
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